Flora & Fauna  -  Czech Republic

CHKO Český kras  -  OKFF-016

PLA Bohemian Karst  -  OKFF-016

OK1VEI /p   8.6.2013

PLA Bohemian Karst    OKFF - list    Award OKFF    OKFF - my activations


   	Prefix-Country / Band	All	40m	20m
		                QSO	QSO	QSO
	Country total:	         16	 16	  1
	QSO total:	         49	 48	  1
 1.	SP - Poland	         11	 11	  -
 2.	DL - Germany	          8	  8	  -
 3.	I - Italy	          4	  4	  -
 4.-7.	F - France	          3	  3	  -
  	HA - Hungary	          3	  3	  -
 	UR - Ukraine	          3	  3	  -
	UA - European Russia	  3	  2	  1
 8.-12.	9A - Croatia	          2	  2	  -
 	OK - Czech Republic	  2	  2	  -
 	ON - Belgium	          2	  2	  -
	PA - Netherlands	  2	  2	  -
	YU - Yugoslavia	          2	  2	  -
13.-16.	OE - Austria	          1	  1	  -
	SV - Greece	          1	  1	  -
	YL - Latvia	          1	  1	  -
	E7 - Bosnia-Herzegovina	  1	  1	  -

QRV:  17:29 - 18:44 UT

QTH/p nr Třebotov, Grid Square JN79dx

Dipole on 14MHz and ANT C-Whip on 7MHz  Dipole on 14MHz and ANT C-Whip on 7MHz  PLA Bohemian Karst - OKFF-016
Dipole on 14MHz and ANT C-Whip on 7MHz, PLA Bohemian Karst.


Map of NP and PLA in the Czech Republic
Map of NP and PLA in the Czech Republic.


Map of PLA Bohemian Karst
Map Protected Landscape Area Bohemian Karst.


Map PLA Bohemian Karst - nr Trebotov
PLA Bohemian Karst - nr Trebotov.


Map PLA Bohemian Karst - nr Třebotov
QHT/p - JN79DX.



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CNW Counter - OK1VEI - PLA Bohemian Karst - OKFF-016 from 1.11.2012 [CNW:Counter]