Flora & Fauna - Czech Republic
CHKO Český kras - OKFF-016
PLA Bohemian Karst - OKFF-016
OK1VEI /p 16.8.2013
Prefix-Country / Band All 40m 20m QSO QSO QSO Country total: 32 16 28 QSO total: 265 120 145 --------------------------------------------------- 1. I - Italy 52 27 25 2. DL - Fed. Rep. Germany 38 29 9 3. SP - Poland 24 24 - 4. UA - European Russia 18 - 18 5. EA - Spain 16 2 14 6. UR - Ukraine 15 1 14 7.-8. F - France 10 5 5 OK - Czech Republic 10 8 2 9. YO - Romania 9 3 6 10. ON - Belgium 8 3 5 11.-13. G - England 6 - 6 OH - Finland 6 - 6 UA9 - Asiatic Russia 6 - 6 14.-16. OZ - Denmark 5 2 3 PA - Netherlands 5 3 2 SM - Sweden 5 1 4 17.-18. HA - Hungary 4 4 - HB - Switzerland 4 3 1 19.-21 LA - Norway 3 - 3 S5 - Slovenia 3 3 - YL - Latvia 3 - 3 21.-25. CU - Azores 2 - 2 GW - Wales 2 - 2 LY - Lithuania 2 - 2 OM - Slovakia 2 2 - 26.-32. EA6 - Balearic Is. 1 - 1 ES - Estonia 1 - 1 EU - Belarus 1 - 1 GI - Northern Ireland 1 - 1 GM - Scotland 1 - 1 LZ - Bulgaria 1 - 1 YU - Yugoslavia 1 - 1 Different references WWFF: 6 QRV: 7:37 - 10:56 UT Rig: FT897 100W, ANT: Inv.V on 40m + Inv.V on 20m QTH/p nr Mořina, Grid Square JN79cx
Map of NP and PLA in the Czech Republic.
Map Protected Landscape Area Bohemian Karst.