Flora & Fauna - Czech Republic
PLA Beskydy - OKFF-025
Basic data:
Designation: 1973,
Area: 1160 km2.
The Beskydy Protected Landscape Area (PLA) was established by the Czechoslovakian Ministry of Culture on 5th March, 1973 in the counties of Vsetín, Nový Jičín and Frýdek – Místek (currently the Zlínský kraj – Zlín Region and Moravskoslezský kraj – Moravian- Silesian Region) and with its area of 1160 km2 it is the largest PLA in the Czech Republic.
The Beskydy PLA territory represents biologically relatively well-preserved landscape unit of the highest Carpathian Mountains on the Czech territory. Among Beskydy’s most significant natural values are the remnants of primeval forest stands with many rare Carpathian animal and plant species, meadow communities with high species diversity, unique surface and underground pseudokarst phenomena. Currently, 57 small–scale Specially Protected Areas are established within the PLA and more are at the preparatory stage. The exceptional aesthetic value and variety of the landscape is complemented by the strong folklore tradition and numerous preserved examples of folk architecture.
The entire PLA territory is nominated as a Site of Community Importance under the Natura 2000 system to protect 10 animals and 2 plants Species of Community Interest and 12 Habitats of Community Interest and also 2 SPA – Bird Areas – Horní Vsacko and Beskydy have also been declared, to protect 8 species of predominantly forest birds.
Small-scale protected areas in the PLA:
7 National nature reserves,
26 přírodních rezervací a
24 Nature monuments.
Čantoria national nature reserve (lying outside the PLA) is also administered by the Administration of Beskydy PLA.
Map of NP and PLA in the Czech Republic.
Map Protected Landscape Area Beskydy.
Source: http://www.beskydy.nature.cz , http://www.cittadella.cz/ and http://www.okff.cz .