Flora & Fauna - Czech Republic
NNR Chlumska stran - OKFF-076
Basic data:
Designation: 1933,
Area: 122 ha,
Height above sea level: 255–469,7 m.
The Chlumská stráň NNR lies on the steep slopes above the Berounka river and its right-bank tributary – the Radubice stream to
the west of the village of Chlum in the Plzeňský kraj-Plzeň Region withpredominantly west and north-west slope orientations
and has been protected since 1933. The main subject of the protection are the mixed talus forest stands with the occurrence of
yew trees (Taxus baccata). Chlumská stráň is an exceptional locality for the maintenance of the gene fund for the yews. The
national nature reserve also forms a part of the Horní Berounka Nature Park
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Map NP, PLA and NPR in the Czech Republic - OKFF-076 NPR Chlumska stran.
Map OKFF-076 NPR Chlumska stran.
Source: http://www.cittadella.cz .