Flora & Fauna - Czech Republic
NNR Koda - OKFF-089
OK1VEI /p 7.8.2013
Prefix-Country / Band All 40m 20m QSO QSO QSO Country total: 23 19 14 QSO total: 160 126 34 --------------------------------------------------- 1. I - Italy 37 25 12 2. SP - Poland 25 25 - 3. DL - Fed. Rep. Germany 24 22 2 4. OK - Czech Republic 11 11 - 5. 9A - Croatia 10 9 1 6.-7. F - France 7 6 1 HA - Hungary 7 5 2 8.-9. OE - Austria 6 4 2 ON - Belgium 6 5 1 10.-11. S5 - Slovenia 5 4 1 UA - European Russia 5 - 5 12. EA - Spain 3 1 2 13.-15. HB - Switzerland 2 2 - UR - Ukraine 2 - 2 YU - Yugoslavia 2 1 1 16.-23. E7 - Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 1 - CU - Azores 1 - 1 ES - Estonia 1 1 - G - England 1 - 1 OM - Slovakia 1 1 - OZ - Denmark 1 1 - SM - Sweden 1 1 - YL - Latvia 1 1 - QRV: 07:29 - 09:41 UT Remarks: 07:29 - 08:28 UT 122QSO/hod Rig: FT897 100W, ANT: Inv.V on 40m + C-whip mono on 20m QTH/p: Koda, Grid Square: JN79bw.
OK1VEI/p in NNR Koda - OKFF-089.
Map of NP and PLA in the Czech Republic - PLA Bohemian Karst (OKFF-012) and NNR Koda (OKFF-089).
Map Protected Landscape Area Bohemian Karst with NNR Koda.
od 5.6.2013 |