Flora & Fauna - Czech Republic
NPR Libicky luh - OKFF-095
NNR Libicky Mead - OKFF-095
Basic data:
Designation: 1985,
Area: 406,8988 ha,
Height above sea level: 189 – 192 m.
Libický luh NNR was declared in 1985 on a territory of 410 ha, to protect the largest complex of lowland alluvial forest in the Bohemia with a range of natural forest communities which have developed in connection with the height of the groundwater table and the periodicity of flooding, the flowing water and stagnant pools at various stages of sedimentation from open water surfaces to marsh alder stands and the hygrophilous and mesic Labe floodplain meadows with high species diversity. The NNR is included in the proposed Libické luhy Site of Community Importance
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Map NP, PLA and NPR in the Czech Republic - OKFF-095 NPR Libický luh.
Source: http://www.cittadella.cz .