
Flora & Fauna  -  Czech Republic

NNR Rana  -  OKFF-117

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    Basic data: Designation: 1951, Area: 9.30 ha.

    The Raná NNR covers the forest-free south–western section of the massif with three peaks (457 m) above the Raná village and close to the town of Louny in the west of the Ústecký kraj – Ústí nad Labem Region. The Raná NNR was declared in 1951 on a territory of 9.3 ha. at elevations between 307 metres and 406 metres above sea level. Raná hill had already been declared a “Town Reserve” by the town of Louny from 1936. Raná is a locality of international significance as an example of the conserved remnants of dry thermophilous grassland, communities with feather-grasses and with the occurrence of the critically endangered steppe oat-grass Helictotrichon desertorum on the western border of its range - next » .

NNR Rana - OKFF-117  NNR Rana - OKFF-117
NNR Rana - OKFF-117.


Map NP, PLA and NNR  in the Czech Republic
Map NP, PLA and NNR in the Czech Republic - OKFF-117 NNR Rana.


Map of NNR Rana
Map OKFF-117 NNR Rana.


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CNW Counter - OK1VEI - NNR Rana - OKFF-117 od 25.8.2013 [CNW:Counter]