C O N T E S T  L O G 
  ³   Category: Single                           Sheet:Nr. 1 of 2  Pg.  ³
  ³       Band: 24 GHz                      WW-Locator: JN69JJ          ³
  ³                                                                     ³
  ³       CALL used: OK1VEI                                             ³
  ³                                                                     ³
  ³   Contest: 2 Subregional contest 2012                               ³
  ³                                                                     ³
  ³   Contest QTH: Cerchov                                              ³
  ³                                                                     ³
  ³   First Operator Name: Pavel Junek                   Call: OK1VEI   ³
  ³   Address: P.O.Box 12, Cernosice, 25228                             ³
  ³   Other operator:                                                   ³
  ³   Transmitter: FT 817 + transvertor OK1FPC           Output: 0,1W   ³
  ³   Receiver: FT 817 + transvertor OK1FPC                             ³
  ³   Antenna's: 60 cm DISH                   AGL: 17m     ASL: 1042m   ³
  ³                                                                     ³
  ³³                                                                   ³³
  ³³   Sum of QSO's: 6                       Average km/QSO:  91.00    ³³
  ³³   Best DX: 141 km      CALL OK1YA               Locator JN79IO    ³³
  ³³   Countries worked:    DL, OK                                     ³³
  ³³                                                                   ³³
  ³³                                       Total sum of points: 546    ³³
  ³³                                                                   ³³
  ³                                                                     ³
  ³ Declaration:                                                        ³
  ³   I hereby certify that this station was operated whithin the rules ³
  ³  and spirit of the contest and within the terms of the license.     ³
  ³                                                                     ³
  ³  Date: 20120505          First op.signature: ____________________   ³
                     C O N T E S T  M A N A G E R:
    Call .....................               Locator .................
    Section ..................               Claimed score ...........
    QSO's ....................               Correction ..............
                   Final Score .........................

 Call: OK1VEI          Band:24 GHz                 Page No  2 of 2 pages

³ Date:  ³ Time: ³ Call:        ³ Sent:         ³ Received:     ³ Pts.:³ Rem.:³
³        ³       ³              ³               ³               ³      ³      ³
³20120505³ 14:00 ³ OK7RA        ³ 59 001 JN69JJ ³ 59 001 JO60LJ ³  112 ³      ³
³        ³ 15:25 ³ OK1AIY/P     ³ 59 002 JN69JJ ³ 59 002 JO60LJ ³  112 ³      ³
³        ³ 16:32 ³ DL6NCO       ³ 59 003 JN69JJ ³ 59 002 JN69LF ³   23 ³      ³
³        ³ 16:42 ³ OK7RB        ³ 59 004 JN69JJ ³ 59 002 JO60RB ³   89 ³      ³
³        ³ 17:16 ³ OK2M         ³ 59 005 JN69JJ ³ 59 004 JN69UN ³   69 ³      ³
³        ³       ³              ³               ³               ³      ³      ³
³        ³ 17:40 ³ OK1YA        ³ 59 006 JN69JJ ³ 59 003 JN79IO ³  141 ³      ³
                                                   SUM OF POINTS:546

Call: OK1VEI                        24 GHz
List of callsign.

DL6NCO       003   
OK1AIY/P     002   
OK1YA        006   
OK2M         005   
OK7RA        001   
OK7RB        004