
Award "OK Flora & Fauna"

OKFF list

Diploma awarded by the Czech section WWFF
Bronze award "OK Flora and Fauna"

Diploma awarded by the Czech section WWFF Diploma awarded by the Czech section WWFF
Silver and gold award "OK Flora and Fauna"

Czech section of the program WWFF- World Wide Flora and Fauna, announces Award “ OKFlora & Fauna”

The awardis issuedtoall licensedradio amateurs andlistenersunder the followingconditions:

QSO’s foraward arevalidfrom 1.1.2009.

Award isavailablein three classes::

Award OKFF EU hunters DX hunters Activators
Bronze 10 areas 5 areas 10 areas
Silver 30 areas 10 areas 20 areas
Gold 50 areas 20 areas 30 areas
Platina 88 areas 44 areas 44 areas

QSO’s with areas WWFF is possible to count only from the time when they are published in the list WWFF areas at the time of the underlying connection. The award is issued regardless of the type of operation and used band. QSO’s via satellite, EME, MS, etc. are recognized asvalid for the award. Contest QSO’s are valid for an award.

QSO’s via terrestrial repeater (FM,packet radio) cannot be included.

If the applicant expressly indicating the requirement to issue award only one type of operation (CW, SSB, Digital, etc.) he will besuch a version award issued.

Application for the issue along with the fee issue should be sent email to OK1IN: ok1in .

Award in PDF format is free of charge...

OKFF coordinator Petr Pakr, OK1IN
14 February 2013


Links :  - web OKFF.  - web WWFF - WorldWide Flora & Fauna in amateur radio.  - WWFF Log Search (in Beta).

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