Flora & Fauna  -  Czech Republic

Krkonoše Mountains National Park  -  OKFF-002

OK1VEI /p   12.6.2013

NP Krkonoše    OKFF - list    Award OKFF    OKFF - my activations


	Prefix-Country / Band	All	40m	20m
		                QSO	QSO	QSO
	Country total:	         32	  4	 32
	QSO total:	        123	  8	115
1.	DL - Germany	         21	  3	 18
2.	I - Italy	         17	  -	 17
3.	UA - European Russia	 10	  -	 10
4.	HA - Hungary	          8	  -	  8
5.-6.	OH - Finland	          7	  -	  7
	ON - Belgium	          7	  -	  7
7.-8.	F - France	          5	  -	  5
	UR - Ukraine	          5	  -	  5
9.-10.	PA - Netherlands 	  4	  1	  3
	SP - Poland	          4	  2	  2
11.-14.	CU - Azores	          3	  -	  3
	OK - Czech Republic	  3	  2	  1
	SM - Sweden	          3	  -	  3
	YO - Romania	          3	  -	  3
15.-19.	9A - Croatia	          2	  -	  2
	EA - Spain	          2	  -	  2
	K - United States	  2	  -	  2
	LA - Norway	          2	  -	  2
	UA9 - Asiatic Russia	  2	  -	  2
20.-32.	9H - Malta	          1	  -	  1
	E7 - Bosnia-Herzegovina	  1	  -	  1
	GI - Northern Ireland	  1	  -	  1
	HB - Switzerland	  1	  -	  1
	LY - Lithuania	          1	  -	  1
	LZ - Bulgaria	          1	  -	  1
	OE - Austria	          1	  -	  1
	OM - Slovakia	          1	  -	  1
	OZ - Denmark	          1	  -	  1
	S5 - Slovenia	          1	  -	  1
	SV - Greece	          1	  -	  1
	YL - Latvia	          1	  -	  1
	YU - Yugoslavia	          1	  -	  1

QRV:  10:17 - 12:51 UT

RIG: FT897, Ant:  Inv.V on 14MHz + Inv.V on 7MHz

QTH/p nr Jestřabí, Grid Square JO70sq

Krkonoše Mountains National Park  Krkonoše Mountains National Park  VW Golf became immobile...
On the way to KRNAP everything was by plan, but on the way back home I met with
a doe at a speed 100 kilometers (near Jičín) and VW Golf became immobile...


Map of NP and PLA in the Czech Republic
Map of NP and PLA in the Czech Republic.


Map of NP Krkonoše
Map Krkonoše Mountains National Park.



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CNW Counter - OK1VEI - NP Krkonoše - OKFF-002 from 12.6.2013 [CNW:Counter]